How Gods Goodness Cures Bible Thumping
The interesting conversation with a woman running for public office regarding withholding biblical views because she does not want to be seen as a bible thumper.
The Word of God is given out of love for our highest good. Everything our Heavenly Father does in our lives has our best interest in mind. We might not understand the process or explain the circumstances we are facing, but ultimately we can trust that He will make all things work out for good.
If we don't have this conviction, we will lack the boldness to share our faith with others or be a voice for crucial moral issues that we are facing today! If we don't see the principles and laws of God as fully good, then we will waffle in voicing God's ways to the culture He has called us to influence.
An Interesting Conversation
Last week Wendi and I went to see 2000 Mules at a special showing here in Silicon Valley. The movie was eye-opening. I agree with its findings and the need for further investigation on both sides of the table. I can share this in a future post.
As we were leaving the movie theater, a group of us were approached by a woman running for a congressional seat for the Republican party. She was pleasant and shared her convictions on what needs to change in the school system, namely how we need to teach kids about manufacturing!
After a while, I had to raise my hand to get a word edgewise. She graciously allowed me to speak. We asked her her view on abortion because this is close to our hearts. She stumbled a little bit, tried to avoid the question, and then said something about not wanting to be a "bible-thumper." Honestly, I did not know what the word meant and had to look it up the following day!
I Don’t Want to be a Bible Thumper
I discovered that a “bible-thumper” is "one who uses the Bible to attack/defame others' character" (Urban Dictionary). For me, the issue here is not so much her view on abortion as much as how she sees expressing that view as a bible-thumper or someone who is using the bible to attack or defame others who might not share it.
Interestingly, in her thinking, a biblical moral standard, such as a right to life, is seen as a bible-thumping attack on the character of others instead of something that protects and provides life for all.
While I understand that those who do not share our faith or biblical views might feel as if they are being attacked somehow when we share them, yet this should not be a reason for us to withhold those views. Ultimately, we hold and share biblical standards for the highest good of others. This reflects in the character and nature of our Heavenly Father, whom we are called to re-present to the world.
I’m not talking about being obnoxious, insensitive, or arrogant. We speak the truth in love. The amazing thing about Jesus is that He never compromised truth but was a friend to sinners (Mark 2:15-17). He was crucified on the accusations of the religious elite, not the everyday unbeliever.
The Goodness of God
The goodness of God is expressed in the laws and principles of God. They are given for humanity’s highest good because He has created us, knows us, and understands that apart from biblical standards, we short-circuit and self-destruct. We are not designed to live apart from His love and precepts.
I have no problem sharing biblical values with others because my motivation is for their highest good, not just to win an argument. If we who follow the Lord don't hold true to the conviction of His goodness in all things and share this with others, we fall short in helping others see God for who He really is.
I pray that our friend, who is running for public office, will eventually see the moral issues of our day through the lens of God’s goodness and boldly and unapologetically share them with others. I would pray this for her, as well as for each of us.
Very well said. For too long, Christians have shied away from sharing Truth at the expense of people dying without knowing God. As Pastor Goree said, if people were in a burning building, we would be yelling our heads off for help to save them.
If we don't teach Bible, then there will be a vacuum of the Knowledge of God, that will eventually be filled by someone else regarding something else.
Saving babies is a personal conviction.
Do I have to thump the Bible to not murder or steal from my neighbor?