Choosing FAITH Over Fear
Fear is a terrible leader. Fear leaves one with much anxiety and little hope. We walk by faith. We understand by faith. Faith is substance. We can’t have faith without hope and you can’t possess hope without faith. They are inseparable. Faith is a gift from God. It accompanies His presence.
Right now, fear has a name, and it's called the coronavirus, but there is a Name that is above every name. His name is Jesus. In the middle of this coronavirus chaos, we DO have a choice on what and in Whom we believe. We must place our faith in Him.
The Spirit of Fear
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Fear is a natural response to a perceived threat. It alerts us to the presence of danger. This is a basic survival instinct but we are not meant to live there.
Yes, the coronavirus is a threat. We are all taking precautions to help ourselves and others. I believe this is wise. Yet, let's not allow this threat and the fear associated with it, to consume our lives.
God has not given us a "spirit of fear". A spirit of fear is a thief. It robs us of faith, confidence, and peace. I don't think any of us would open the front door of our homes to a thief, and give him the green-light to mosey on in and steal whatever he wants, but many are allowing fear to do just that.
For some, fear has set up a room in their house causing them to continually worry, be anxious and even tormented. We need to say no to this and not partner with fear!
Perfect Love
1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..”
As a kid, whenever I felt afraid, I reached out to my parents, and as soon as they showed up, my fears vanished. And as long as they were there I had no fear.
Deut. 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Jesus is always with us (Matthew 28:20) and our Heavenly Father will never leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Whom shall I fear (Psalm 27:1)?
When we experience how fully and unconditionally loved we are by our Heavenly Father, our spirits come alive with faith. And where faith in God is present, fear is absent.
Choose Faith
By faith seas open, Goliaths fall, and storms cease. So walk through the sea, slay the giant, and calm the storm.
The coronavirus is another Red Sea, Goliath, and Storm that will fall. Partner with heaven, co-labor with Jesus and see an end to this ungodly menace. Choose faith.
When fear knocks on the door, answer it with faith. Declare God's Word. Lift up songs of praise. Pray in the Spirit.
Be receivers of God's love. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the Father's love (Romans 5:5) daily. Make it a part of your morning routine.
Here is the Full Message and Worship
Question: What is one thing you are doing to keep your faith activated in this season?