There are some pretty wild misconceptions and practices when it comes to binding and loosing. When binding and loosing comes up, I'm drawn to images of people shouting, yelling, holding, pacing, pointing, asking names, and spending hours on end with limited results.
This behavior is usually directed, but not limited to, a person, a principality, the weather, a car, or something else that's not working; you name it. The people being prayed over are either scared half to death by what is going on around them, or they begin to wonder just who has the real problem!
I think you get the picture!
Though I'm poking a little fun at how we have administered binding and loosing, it's to be noted and determined that binding and loosing is a very real thing and is vitally important to God's kingdom and the Ekklesia. I think our understanding, and dare I say approach, to binding and loosing can be calmer, simpler, practical and much more effective.
Binding and Loosing and the Ekklesia
Jesus gives only two offensive weapons to the Ekklesia found in Matthew 16:19, the keys of the kingdom, and binding and loosing. These two work together. The keys of the kingdom, along with binding and loosing, are how we govern and expand the Kingdom of God. Binding and loosing is far more than a shouting match with demons or something that is relegated to only a few people who have a "deliverance" ministry.
Binding and loosing is for ALL believers. It's not intended to be spooky, weird, or for only a select few. It is simple and practical and should be a natural part of daily life.
What is Binding and Loosing?
Here is what Jesus said to His disciples about binding and loosing in connection to kingdom keys and His Ekklesia.
Matthew 16:19: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (NIV)
Let's first start with defining the words binding and loosing. I'll spare you all the Greek language details and get right to the point. To "bind" means to "forbid" and to "loose" means to "permit."
Bind = Forbid
Loose = Permit
What Other Bible Translations say about Binding and Loosing
Let's take a look at a few other Bible translations to see if we can gain further clarity on binding and loosing.
The New American Stand Version says:
Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven." (NASB)
The older Williams Translation helps bring further clarity:
Matthew 16:19 "I solemnly say to you, whatever you forbid on earth must be already forbidden in heaven and whatever you permit on earth must already be permitted in heaven" (WT).
Here, we see the words "forbid" and "permit," and the phrases "shall have been bound" (NASB) and "must already be" (Williams). These phrases mean, in essence, the same thing and add more clarity to binding and loosing.
We cannot bind (forbid) and loose (permit) that which has already been forbidden and permitted in the realm of Christ's Kingdom.
The Passion Translation adds a bit more clarity:
Matthew 16:19 "I will give you the keys of heaven's kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven." (TPT)
Here, we see that we are to take the keys of heaven's realm and use them to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.
Two Questions
This leads to two questions.
What in heaven are we to release on earth?
What on earth should not be permitted because it is not in heaven?
Whatever things are not in heaven, those things should not be on earth, and whatever things are in heaven, those things should be released on earth.
Anything that does not exist in heaven is viewed as illegal on earth. And anything that exists in heaven is viewed as legal on earth. What is forbidden (illegal) on earth serves to infect and destroy God's original design and purpose for our lives and the lives of all humanity.
The good news is that when something is loosed from heaven, something becomes bound on earth. The focus then is to release heaven to earth, God's world into this one.
A Few More Questions
Let me ask you a few questions.
Is sickness in heaven? No. Then sickness is illegal or earth. So, we use the kingdom keys and loose heaven by praying/declaring the name of Jesus to bring healing. When someone is healed, heaven is loosed, and sickness is bound. Sickness can't stay because healing has come.
Is unforgiveness in heaven? No. So we use the kingdom keys and loose heaven by forgiving those who have hurt us. When we forgive, mercy is loosed and unforgiveness is bound. Unforgiveness can't stay because mercy has come.
Is hatred in heaven? No. So we use kingdom keys and loose heaven by receiving and activating God's love for others. When we truly receive and activate His love, God's love is loosed, and hatred is bound. Hatred can't stay because God's love has come.
What's the target? Bring heaven to earth.
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
The will of God is His Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10 "Your Kingdom come, your WILL be done ON earth AS IT IS heaven."
When we bring heaven (by using kingdom keys), we loose (permit) heaven to come and simultaneously bind (forbid) what is illegal on earth.
This is why the keys of the kingdom of heaven are so vitally linked to binding and loosing. Using kingdom keys opens the gates of hades and brings heaven. Bringing heaven simultaneously binds what is illegal and unlawful on earth, resulting in changed lives, cities, and nations, as the glory of the Lord fills the earth.
This is also why Jesus always responded to the Father and never reacted to the devil. He lived in communion with His Father in heaven and from that place used kingdom keys to bind the devil's work on earth. His sole focus was to bring heaven from a close relationship with His Father, resulting in changed lives, His kingdom expanding, and the devil's works diminishing 1 John 3:8.
All believers are seated with Christ in heavenly places Eph. 2:6. From the place of communion with the Lord, where we are seated, we are to bring His Kingdom into this one. Heaven is impacting earth.
When light comes, darkness leaves. There is no fight; light wins. Let me encourage you to stop complaining about how dark the room is, but find the light switch (kingdom keys) and turn it on.
You get the idea.
You Can Bring Heaven
We can all bring heaven. We can all pray for the sick. We can all forgive. We can all love how God loves. When we do things that are from heaven, we bind what is unlawful, such as hatred, depression, and corruption on earth. You don't have to yell, scream, and shout to bind and loose. Just release heaven.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of kingdom keys found right in your Bible. Find them. Apply them. Share them with others. In doing so, you will loose heaven "as you go," impacting lives and bringing change.
The world is waiting.
Thank you this was very insightful
The fact that 99% of the church recently bowed to lies and fear and unconstitutional government mandates shows that it is operating with very little discernment and authority. Repentance is the only way forward from this carnal weakness and failure to walk in faith and obedience. I pray that the body of Christ wake up to its sickly state and put on the mind of Christ. It will then be truly using its keys of authority over all evil.