Choosing GOD'S KINGDOM Over Human Government
The greatest place to be right now is in the Kingdom of God. Right now, more than ever, I'm so thankful to be in God's government. He is my Provider. He is my Security. He is my Peace and Protector. His economy is not shaky. He is not in debt. He owns it all. .
Broken people run human governments. Governments that seek to lead people without God or His Word are doomed to self implode with power, greed, and corruption. We are currently seeing this in full display on a global level.
A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our “God is a consuming fire.
Heb. 12:28-29
We have received an unshakeable Kingdom and a King that is sovereign, unchanging, who is for us and not against us, providing us with hope and a future.
While human governments are in turmoil and global economies in upheaval, we must choose to focus and intentionally keep our heart, mind, soul, and strength anchored in the Kingdom.
We can't afford to put our complete trust in human governments. This only leads to worry, anger, and insecurity. We must be able to keep our feet anchored in heavenly places while we do life here on earth.
Seek First the Kingdom of God
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matt. 6:33
As we seek His Kingdom and righteousness, all things are given. There is great security in this. While there is much uncertainty raging in the world today, we can have assurance and peace. We are not moved by what is happening around us for the Kingdom of God is within.
Don't stop sowing into His Kingdom. Continue to sow your finances, your time, and energy to advance His Kingdom.
I'm choosing to anchor myself in Christ's Kingdom. I don't put my hope and trust in human governments. They are cracked and flawed. I'm putting my faith in a government that is unshakeable: God's Kingdom. Choose to do the same.
Blessings -- Pastor Greg
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